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lamb of god

美 [læm əv ɡɑːd]英 [læm ɒv ɡɒd]
  • 上帝的羔羊;基督
lamb of godlamb of god
  1. Lamb of god won not you grant us ?


  2. Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world !


  3. No man can do so , only Christ , the Lamb of God .


  4. You in His strength shall over all prevail , Look to the Lamb of God .


  5. Lamb of God , you take away the sins of the world : have mercy on us .


  6. Q.5 what is the work of the lamb of god ?


  7. The Lamb of God , whose offering blotted out the sins of the world


  8. He heard the words Israel had waited for ," Look , the Lamb of God " .


  9. There is the Lamb of God .


  10. His love will cheer and fill your heart with song , Look to the Lamb of God .


  11. And was the holy Lamb of God on England 's pleasant pastures seen ?


  12. Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world .


  13. You are a martyr and a lamb of god !


  14. In joy or sorrow Christ is all in all , Look to the Lamb of God .


  15. How do you translate the image of the Lamb of God for a culture in which sheep do not exist ?


  16. No one could open this scroll until Jesus was pointed out as the Lamb of God that was slain .


  17. After the Lamb of God was slain , His blood must be applied in the heavenly sanctuary .


  18. They gnash their teeth at the thought of the Lamb of God bearing the sin of man .


  19. Jn . 1:36 And looking at Jesus walking , he said , Behold , the Lamb of God !


  20. The law can not take away man 's sin , but the Lamb of God , Jesus He bears our sin Himself .


  21. Today , however , the perfect Lamb of God , Jesus , is more than enough to pay for the sins of all whom God calls .


  22. When Satan tempts , and doubts and fears assail , Look to the Lamb of God ;


  23. Jesus was both the Lion of Judah , the Root of David Rev 22:16 and the Lamb of God who was to take away the sin of the world John 1:29 .


  24. Pray that Jesus , the Lamb of God , will be glorified as Christians in Beijing serve the poor and outcasts , including those harmed by the Sichuan earthquake .


  25. The two sabbaths during the Passover feast foreshadowed the true Lamb of God . 1 Cor.5:7 says ," Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us . "


  26. When the Lord Jesus Christ , God 's Son , came to earth He was called the " Lamb of God , " because He would shed His own precious blood for our sin , and suffer death for us .


  27. Jesus , the lamb of God , the light of the world , came to us as a baby into this world , to grow up into a man and the son of God , then to die on the cross for us .


  28. In his lifetime he had many titles , such as " Prophet "," Son of Man "," Lamb of God "," Son of God "," Messiah ", The name " Jesus Christ " means " Jesus the Messiah " .


  29. Just as believers fed on the Passover lamb , as the true Lamb of God , Christ is really and truly present in the Supper .
